I had such a nice conversation with a sweet girl yesterday. I used to be her babysitter, she was one of my youth helpers in VBS, and now she's all grown up. Janie Steindorff wrote a wonderful book titled, "Good Morning Montgomery". In adulthood, we share a common bond being children's book authors. We're both rookies, but we're learning something new about the publishing world everyday. I obviously started my journey much later in life than she!
We talked about how we both feel hesitant to call ourselves authors. Isn't it funny that you can feel bad to own something good about yourself? Call it insecurity, the devil, fear....most of us have experienced this. You work hard, complete a goal, and then don't celebrate your accomplishment. Why do we do this?
As I've plunged into the world of book writing, one thing is consistently mentioned on every advice list and how-to manual. You must promote yourself and your work. That can be a tough pill to swallow. I don't want to annoy others with multiple posts of my book/website. I don't want to appear self centered or conceited. I do, however, want to get my book into the hands of those that it could help. It's like walking a tight rope to find the balance.
We encouraged each other to own our new title. We have written and published a book and we are authors! We are going to cheer each other on as we move forward with new ideas and new books.
I think everyone should support one another in whatever we are achieving. Don't roll your eyes when you see a post about someone's business they're promoting. You know you've done it, I'm guilty as well! Say a prayer for them, attend their event, buy their product, share their posts, write a 5 star review, use their service, do whatever you can to help them be successful. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and small business owners need all the help they can get. The good you do will come back to you.
So today I'm promoting Janie's book, "Good Morning Montgomery". It's a good read with a great message. You can get it in local shops and on Amazon.com
Get a copy and show your love to Janie!